In this series, as we work through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, we will see that one of the predominant themes throughout is the idea of: Reformation. The Jews had been punished by God with exile for their disobedience to the covenant, and now they seek to reform the land so as not to commit the same sins again. Each week (as we examine a new chapter) we will note various aspects of what is required of true reformation and seek to apply these principles to our day today so that God may be pleased to reform this land back to godliness (through the gospel of Jesus Christ).
In this message Pastor Jake provides one final overview of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, and applies the principles of reformation that have been examined throughout.
In this message Pastor Jake examines Nehemiah 13:1-31 where the people of Jerusalem begin to revert back to their old, sinful practices--and how Nehemiah addresses this problem. From this, we examine the importance of striving for reformation over the long-haul, and not growing complacent along the way.
In this message Pastor Jake examines Nehemiah 12:27-47 where the Israelites celebrate the dedication of the walls of Jerusalem. And in their celebration, it was particularly marked by joyous singing and music. From this, we examine the importance and significance of the church singing praises to God, and how this is an act of war on the spiritual forces of darkness in the world.
In this message Pastor Jake examines Nehemiah 11:1-12:26 which records the semi-long list of names of those who were chosen by lot to live in the city of Jerusalem. From this, we see that just as God was determined to fill up the holy city Jerusalem at this time, so He is just as determined to fill up the New Jerusalem today--which is the church.
In this message Pastor Jake examines Nehemiah 8:13-18 where we see the congregation of Israel study the Law of God, and follow it up with immediate, joyful obedience. From this, we emphasize the importance of Christians being marked by the same kind of obedience unto the Lord. As we do, we also note the importance of guarding our hearts from: 1) Only being hearers of the word, and not doers 2) Making 101 excuses for not obeying when we don't feel like it
In this message Pastor Jake examines Nehemiah 8:9-12 where we see Israel's response to Ezra's preaching. Initially, they were grieved over their sin, but then rejoice in the end. From this, we particularly emphasized the importance of this last part: rejoicing in the Lord--especially highlighting Neh. 8:10 --the joy of the Lord is your strength.
In this message Pastor Jake examines Nehemiah 8:1-8 where Ezra preaches the Word of God to the congregation of Israel. From this, we emphasize the necessity of Biblical preaching in the worship of God and for the sake of reformation, and we also examine five characteristics of what all biblical preaching should entail.
In this message Pastor Jake examines Nehemiah 7:5-73 which records the list of returning exiles from Babylon (from approximately 90 years before--the same list that is found in Ezra 2). And in so doing, the main question that was examined was: Why does Nehemiah read THIS list to the people at THIS time? The answer provides the application for us even today.
In this message Pastor Jake examines Nehemiah 7:1-4, and simply points out that if we desire to see Biblical reform happen in our land, then we must have God-fearing men arise and lead in the home, church, and society.
In this message, Pastor Jake examines Nehemiah 5:14-19 which provides a brief description of Nehemiah's twelve-year governorship in Judah. His tenure there was marked by a genuine desire to help the people and advance the Kingdom--not to advance his own comforts. Therefore, let us do the same today wherever God has placed us in life.
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